Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Discover the Romans at Bosworth Battlefield Saturday 20th July - Sunday 21st July 2019

Discover the Romans at Bosworth Battlefield

Saturday 20th July - Sunday 21st July, 10:30 am - 4:00 pm

The BATAVI will be taking part in the Bosworth Battlefield Centre's first Roman event!

Whilst hunting for the Medieval battle site, metal detectorists came across  a large number of Roman brooches and other finds. These dated mainly from the 2nd to early 5th centuries AD. This lead to the discovery of a Temple, probably to Mars, on the site. This event is the first to promote the Roman aspects of the area.

The BATAVI will have a small camp with displays on late Roman military & civilian life and our famed food & cookery display.

There will be a presentation on the equipment of the Roman soldier covering the 2nd century, the 3rd century & the 4th/5th centuries, showing how the army & its role developed of the Roman period.

New recruits of all ages can learn Roman Drill & some Celtic supporters of Boudicca will be stirring up trouble!

There will also be talks on Roman religion, temples & religious sites in Leicestershire, the possible site of Boudicca's defeat and the latest finds from Roman Leicester.

Items, especially the "horse & rider brooches" found at the local temple site can also be seen in a small exhibition.

The official webpage for the event can be found here