Wednesday, 27 July 2022

The Batavi at Bosworth once again!


Once again The Batavi will be taking part in the Leicestershire Festival of Archaeology

Roman Around

Saturday July 30th – Sunday 31st 

10am – 4pm


Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre & Country Park, Sutton Cheney, CV13 0AD

Long before the Battle of Bosworth took place, the site housed an important Roman Temple. 

The Batavi Re-enactment group will be displaying everyday Roman life such as cooking and pottery and exploring the life and equipment of Roman soldiers in the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D.

What’s more Boudicca, leader of the Iceni Tribe will be there to tell her story, she’s not a fan of the Romans though, so there maybe some trouble!

More information include prices can be found on the Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre website.

Friday, 25 June 2021

 After nearly two years the BATAVI are back at a public event!  After doing last year's event as part of an online series of short pieces on late Roman life, we are able to do our next event in person. Of course, there will be some restrictions due to the current Covid regulations but we will be able to do most of our normal displays.


As part of the Leicestershire Festival of Archaeology we will be

Roman Around

Saturday July 17th – Sunday 18th: 10am – 4pm


Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre & Country Park, Sutton Cheney, CV13 0AD

Long before the Battle of Bosworth took place, the site housed an important Roman Temple. 

The Batavi Re-enactment group will be camped on site and covering a whole manner of everyday roman life experiences from home and family life aspects such as cooking and pottery to exploring the life and attire of a Roman soldier. 

What’s more Boudicca, leader of the Iceni Tribe will be there to tell her story, she’s not a fan of the Romans though, so there maybe some trouble!

More information include prices can be found on the Leicestershire Festival of Archaeology website.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Happy 2,773rd birthday to the city of Rome!


The 21st april 2020 is the 2,773rd year since the founding of
the city of Rome.

Sadly, the great parade in Rome has been cancelled this years due to coronavirus so we have to commemorate the date in other ways

The official statue of Romulus & Remus.

So Happy Birthday to the Eternal City!


The less-official version but much cooler Romano-British version on display
in the Leeds city museum.

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Discover the Romans at Bosworth Battlefield Saturday 20th July - Sunday 21st July 2019

Discover the Romans at Bosworth Battlefield

Saturday 20th July - Sunday 21st July, 10:30 am - 4:00 pm

The BATAVI will be taking part in the Bosworth Battlefield Centre's first Roman event!

Whilst hunting for the Medieval battle site, metal detectorists came across  a large number of Roman brooches and other finds. These dated mainly from the 2nd to early 5th centuries AD. This lead to the discovery of a Temple, probably to Mars, on the site. This event is the first to promote the Roman aspects of the area.

The BATAVI will have a small camp with displays on late Roman military & civilian life and our famed food & cookery display.

There will be a presentation on the equipment of the Roman soldier covering the 2nd century, the 3rd century & the 4th/5th centuries, showing how the army & its role developed of the Roman period.

New recruits of all ages can learn Roman Drill & some Celtic supporters of Boudicca will be stirring up trouble!

There will also be talks on Roman religion, temples & religious sites in Leicestershire, the possible site of Boudicca's defeat and the latest finds from Roman Leicester.

Items, especially the "horse & rider brooches" found at the local temple site can also be seen in a small exhibition.

The official webpage for the event can be found here

Saturday, 30 June 2018

Friends of Jewry Wall Museum Roman event - Sunday 29th July 2018

Friends of Jewry Wall Museum Roman event
Sunday 29th July 2018

The BATAVI and other Roman groups will be taking part in the Friends of Jewry Wall Museum Roman event 
to be held at Saint Nicholas’ church 
and the grounds of the Jewry Wall museum 
in the heart of Roman Leicester..

The Jewry Wall museum, itself, is currently closed for a major
refurbishment but their Friends group have continued a series of
events to keep the museum in the public mind.

The event is free and runs from 11.00am to 4.00pm

See you there!

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

The BATAVI are a small, friendly group who re-enact military and civilian life in the 4th to 6th centuries A.D.
Our military activities are based around a late Roman army unit, the Batavi Iuniores Britanniciani, which may have been formed in Britain in around 367 A.D. They then moved to join part of the mobile Gallic field army and are last recorded in central Gaul in the 420s A.D.

We also have a small late Roman Navy section, the Classis Sabrinae, and a civilian wing which displays everyday life, crafts and cookery from the period.
We have currently members in the Midlands and South of the UK.